Tips for Finding a Nurse Practitioner Job Out-of-State
Even in a four percent unemployment market, it’s tough to find work out-of-state. HR managers and recruiters typically are more inclined to go for the “easy money” NPs, and so they often select candidates that won’t add to the hiring process by having to relocate. Relocation takes extra time that many hiring managers simply don’t have when faced with today’s tight labor market. Too, there could be the assumption that the candidate may ask for a relocation fee, which adds to the cost of hiring, certainly, but also adds red tape to an already bureaucracy-laden administrative process.
Fortunately, there are a few things the savvy midlevel can do when seeking a nurse practitioner job out-of-state.
Preparing for Relocation
The first and most obvious tip is to make certain your state licensures are nailed down. Licensure can take weeks and sometimes months to complete. Employers will hesitate to hire if the nurse practitioner has failed to obtain their proper credentials. Making sure this crucial detail is completed will help reassure the nervous employer that you are ready to get started.
The out-of-state job search may take longer than you expected. There will likely be travel to meet the potential employer, but in many cases, video interviewing may suffice. Expect some setbacks during this process and some added stress as you work on your fresh start.
It’s important to set the expectation that you will be moving, and when. Onboarding is a costly expenditure in most budgets; so prospective employers will want some certainties about when you will arrive in town and when you could start. It’s a good idea to explain your relocation plan up front in your cover letter and resume. This is especially true if you’re listing an out-of-state address on your credentials. The issue is trust; employers may be reluctant to invest time in a candidate they feel may – or may not move to town soon. You may even want to use a local address of a family member or friend on your resume so that it won’t immediately be discarded. Then, carefully explain the reason for your move in your cover letter so the employer understands your commitment to the relocation and career switch.
At the same time, try to be as flexible as possible about travel plans and start dates. Making the job the number one priority on your organizational relocation roadmap will help broaden your job search. With employers sometimes less thrilled about adding on relocation expenses to a midlevel salary, consider covering the cost of the move, or using it as a bargaining chip when it comes down to salary negotiations.
Looking for a nurse practitioner role out-of-state adds a layer of complexity to an already time-consuming process. Changing up your search process by seeking the assistance of a recruiter like the team at MedSource Consulting will help you land your next role. We have contacts across the country and in a number of practice specialty areas and can connect you with hiring managers hungry for talent – even from out-of-state.
Talk with MedSource about your relocation needs. We can help mitigate the risk and uncertainty employers feel when considering a candidate from out of state and also steer you in the right direction in an unfamiliar market.