Addressing the Physician Shortage in Your Hiring Practice

The looming physician shortage in the United States is very real. According to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), the United States is facing a shortfall of over 100,000 doctors in the next decade alone. As if the prospect of understaffed clinics, hospitals and private medical practices weren’t frightening enough, factor in…

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4 Strategies for Recruiting Physicians to Rural Practices

Can a Healthcare Recruiter Find Me an Unadvertised Position?

Health professions workforce shortages are exacerbated in rural areas, where communities struggle to attract and keep well-trained clinicians. In the world of physician recruiting, hospitals in rural areas continue to face unique and difficult obstacles. Doctors who follow this particular path often cite issues such as isolation from colleagues, fewer educational opportunities, and heavier caseloads. …

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