An Evolution of Mental Health Care – the Future of Medical Legislation in America

Historically, stigma has been associated with most mental disorders.  Until recently, accessing comprehensive mental health care may have been nearly impossible, further compounding the difficulty of treatment.  On July 6th, 2016, the House of Representatives passed a groundbreaking bill to tackle federal policies on serious mental illness, signifying that the U.S government is beginning to address the…

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8 Tips for an Optimal Healthcare Recruiting Process

“But… Doctor Silva…” The stunned talent acquisition managers could not believe their ears.  “This is difficult for us to understand.  We are aware of your concerns and—while the hiring process at our facility is hardly perfect—we were close to an agreement!  What changed?” “I’m sorry,” Dr. Silva replied, regretful.  “Your internal process was taking much too…

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Nurse Practitioners & Physicians in Primary Care: A Dynamic Duo

Both nurse practitioners and physicians provide high-quality, expert primary care services to patients across the United States. Day to day, they work together for the betterment of their patients; however, sometimes hidden agendas from large political groups can create an uncomfortable and unnecessary rift between this dynamic duo. Nurse practitioners and physicians each undergoes extensive,…

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2016 Telehealth Trends for Nurse Practitioners

The 40 years of telemedicine research coupled with the growing momentum for patient-centered care has created the perfect storm for an explosion of digital health innovation.  Nurse practitioners wanting to stay on the forefront of emerging technologies should anticipate exciting changes in 2016 including new legislation, disruptive startup companies, and creative products. This article reviews important milestones…

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Integrating Healthcare, Why its Important

After receiving a diagnosis of infertility, a young woman commits suicide. Privately, she had been struggling with overwhelming despair – but her primary care physician had no idea. Despite the doctor’s good intentions, he was not trained to recognize or treat the depression that ultimately cost the young woman her life. Could suicide have been…

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APP to MD: Is it Right for You?

As an Advanced Practice Professional, you’ve spent years of hard work getting to this point.  Undergraduate and graduate school, board exams, clinical rotations; now – finally – you’re employed in one of the most respected capacities in healthcare.  This is a remarkable accomplishment.  Still, as you work alongside your physician colleagues, do you find yourself wondering if…

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Physician, Know Thyself: 5 Signs of Burnout

Overworked and Overstressed: How Healthcare Professionals Can Find Peace Through Mindfulness

Phones are ringing off the hook at the front desk – the receptionist is reminding you of all the messages you need to return by this afternoon.  You see patients filling the waiting room, glancing at their mobile devices and tapping their feet.  Sighing with frustration, you just want to go home to see your…

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Common Roadblocks for Physician Employment Contracts

Some physicians have a hard time grasping the concept of principled negotiations.  They see a negotiation as a battle rather than an opportunity to collaborate towards agreement.  We don’t believe negotiations should be stressful and in fact, if handled in the right manner, they can be a very positive experience that enables both parties to…

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Agents Of Change: How Nurse Practitioners Can Be The Difference

The Role of On-Site Physicians in Today's Healthcare Landscape

The end of open enrollment in 2014 saw 15 million Americans who were previously uninsured obtain coverage thanks to the ACA.  While commendable, these numbers bring another issue to the forefront: a shortage of primary care physicians. There simply aren’t enough doctors to go around, particularly in rural areas.  This precise concern is what led…

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